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THE NEXT FRONTIERS IN X-RAY IMAGING -Wednesday 27th of October – Conference by Pierre Thibault

When: Wednesday 27th of October 2021

Time: 6:30pm

Where: in Sala Cappella, ex Ospedale Militare, via Fabio Severo 40, and online on Zoom

Language: English

Pierre Thibault is a Professor of Department of Physics, of the University of Trieste, and winner of one of the prestigious awards of the European Research Council. He is an expert in the application of image analysis techniques and X-ray tomography for the study of the properties of matter.

Check the conference flyer reporting an abstract of Prof. Thibault speech : FLYER_The next frontiers in X-ray imaging _THIBAULT_October 27th  2021

The online seminar is open to all interested people.

Sign up by Monday 25th of October filling in one of the following forms:

  • form for Collegio Fonda students only
  • form  for all