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THE BEGINNING OF THE ATOMIC AGE AND THE TORN SOUL OF PHYSICS • Seminar by Edoardo Milotti – Thursday 15th and Tuesday 20th February 2024

12During the first meeting, I shall present the necessary introductory material, and we shall see and comment together the movie “The Day After Trinity”, on the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer. We will meet again to view and comment the movie “Trinity and Beyond: the Atomic Bomb Movie”, which collects declassified footage of the numerous atomic tests and several interviews to some of the scientists and engineers who developed atomic weapons during the difficult years of the Cold War.

Image: Early Radiation Laboratory staff framed by the magnet for the 60-inch cyclotron in 1938. Courtesy of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Photographer: Donald Cooksey)


Date:  Thursday, 15th February 2024  (Part I)

              Tuesday, 20th February 2024 (Part II)


Time:  6:00 PM

Place: Sala Cinema, ex Ospedale Militare, via Fabio Severo 40

Language: English

Info: Programme

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Edoardo Milotti is full professor at the Physics Department of the University of Trieste and research associate of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (I.N.F.N.).