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POWERING THE JUST TRANSITION • Lectio Magistralis by Daniel Kammen – Wednesday, 20th March 2024

The path to deeply decarbonized economies requires innovation and highly interdisciplinary work across diverse fields. The theory and practice of an urgently needed ‘climate-justice nexus‘ to protect our people and planet will be outlined by Daniel Kammen, one of the most recognized world experts. Examples, from the delivery of health care in under-resourced communities to aggressive cost-savings decarbonization, will be discussed as key leverage points for the Just Energy Transition.

Date: Wednesday, 20th March 2024

Time:  4:00 PM – 6:00  PM

Place: Università degli Studi di Trieste, Aula Magna (edificio A), Piazzale Europa 1

Language: English

Info: FlyerProgramme[email protected]

*Collegio Fonda Students:


Daniel Kammen is the James and Katherine Lau Distinguished Professor of Sustainability at the University of California, Berkeley, with appointments in the Energy and Resources Group, the Goldman School of Public Policy, and the Department of Nuclear Engineering.


The project “TriesteXcellence” is supported by “Fondazione CRTrieste”

Rassegna stampa dell’evento, curata da UniTS