La stabilizzazione del continente europeo impone di completare il processo di allargamento dell’Unione. Tutti i Paesi dei Balcani Occidentali hanno da tempo chiesto di aderire all’Unione europea. Di recente, tre nuovi Stati (Ucraina, Georgia e Moldova) si sono aggiunti alla lista dei candidati. Tuttavia, soltanto una significativa revisione dei trattati consentirà di aprire le porte…

Plants are usually catalogued in our minds as organisms linked to food, so-called "natural medicine" or voluptuaries aspects (wine, drugs, etc.). In recent years, many other possible uses of plant organisms have emerged linked to the most modern genetic engineering techniques and the study of the enzymatic kits present in plant cells.
This seminar highlights the…

Ciclo di 6 incontri (11 CFF) a cura di Pablo Andres Molano Gonzalez
Data: mercoledì 24 aprile 2024
Orario: 18:00 - 20:00
Il calendario degli incontri successivi verrà definito durante la prima lezione in accordo con la disponibilità di docente e allievi
Luogo: Saletta del Capitano, ex Ospedale Militare, via Fabio Severo 40
Lingua: italiano
Info: locandina
Allievi: Registration Form (click day…

The so-called crisis of classical physics is often presented in textbooks and courses that are not specifically focused on the history of physics in an oversimplified form. This fact makes it challenging to understand which conceptual knots had to be overcome and how in the passage from classical to quantum physics. For example, the famous…

Being critical, i.e. able to process and distill relevant information, is crucial for living systems. Learning distinguishes living from inanimate matter. Quantifying this distinction may provide a "life meter" that, for example, can allow us to detect alien life forms in astrobiology. Living systems also respond in an anomalous manner to perturbations, as compared to…

Date: Thursday, 11th April 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Place: Sala Conferenze, ex Ospedale Militare, via Fabio Severo 40
Language: English
Info: Programme, Abstract
External Students/Guests: Registration Form
Collegio Fonda Students: Registration Form - Evaluation Form
Clare Donovan, former Head of the Interpreting Division at OECD and Director of the Conference Interpreting Master programme at ESIT Paris, is teaching methodology of simultaneous at ISIT…

Saluti e indirizzo delle autorità
Benvenuto musicale: "Autumn Leaves"
Pietro Benassi: "Il cambiamento negli scenari geopolitici globali"
Intermezzo musicale: "Tears in Heaven"
Gianfranco Sinagra: "Cambiamento, innovazione ed essere medico oggi"
Discussione e domande
Finale musicale: "Take Five"
Date: Mercoledì, 10 aprile 2024
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
Place: SSLIMT Aula Magna, Via Fabio Filzi 14, Trieste
Language: Italian
Info: Flyer -…

The path to deeply decarbonized economies requires innovation and highly interdisciplinary work across diverse fields. The theory and practice of an urgently needed 'climate-justice nexus' to protect our people and planet will be outlined by Daniel Kammen, one of the most recognized world experts. Examples, from the delivery of health care in under-resourced communities to…

In these lectures I will present, using examples and historical ideas, some basic concepts of mathematical analysis: derivatives, ordinary and partial differential equations, a mathematical model for fluids. The lessons are aimed at a public new to advanced mathematical studies, but I hope they will also be interesting for students closest to the discipline

Within a species some individuals tend to be shier, some bolder and some more aggressive. This individuality in their behavior is known as ‘personality’ and is the result of natural selection, since it is partly written in an individuals’ genetic code and partly the result of early-life experiences. In this presentation I will discuss the…

Date: Fridays
8th, 15th, 22nd March 2024
5th, 12th, 19th April 2024
10th, 17th May 2024
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Place: Sala Pietra, ex Ospedale Militare, via Fabio Severo 40
Collegio Fonda Students:
Registration Form
Evaluation Form
Prof. John Hugh Daer, CLA , University of Trieste