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BOLD MICE AND ANXIOUS SQUIRRELS • Seminar by Alessio Mortelliti – Monday, 11th March 2024

Within a species some individuals tend to be shier, some bolder and some more aggressive. This individuality in their behavior is known as ‘personality’ and is the result of natural selection, since it is partly written in an individuals’ genetic code and partly the result of early-life experiences. In this presentation I will discuss the results of 8 years of field research conducted with my students in Maine (USA), which allowed us to demonstrate that the personality of small mammals (mice, squirrels and voles) can have cascade consequences on the functioning of whole ecosystems.

Date:  Monday, 11th March 2024

Time:  6:30 – 8:30  PM

Place: Sala Conferenze, ex Ospedale Militare, via Fabio Severo 40

Language: English

Info: Programme

External Students/Guests: Registration Form

Collegio Fonda Students:  Registration FormEvaluation Form


Alessio Mortelliti is associate professor in Ecology at the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Trieste.