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LA MATEMATICA DEL CAMBIAMENTO • Short Course by Daniele Del Santo – Starting on Monday, 18th March 2024

In these lectures I will present, using examples and historical ideas, some basic concepts of mathematical analysis: derivatives, ordinary and partial differential equations, a mathematical model for fluids. The lessons are aimed at a public new to advanced mathematical studies, but I hope they will also be interesting for students closest to the discipline


Monday, 18th March 2024

Monday, 25th March 2024

Monday, 8th April 2024

Tuesday, 23rd April 2024

Time:  6:00 – 8:00  PM

Place: Sala Cinema, ex Ospedale Militare, via Fabio Severo 40

Language: Italian/English

Info: Programme

Collegio Fonda Students:

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Daniele Del Santo is full professor in Mathematical Analysis at the Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences of the University of Trieste.