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INAUGURAZIONE ANNO ACCADEMICO 2022/23 del Collegio Universitario Luciano Fonda – Venerdì, 25 novembre 2022

Data: Friday, 25th November 2022

Time: 5.30PM

Place: Casa del Comandante (2nd floor), ex Ospedale Militare, via Fabio Severo 40

Language: Italian/English

Lectio magistralis: “An algorithm for discovery” by prof. Mauro Giacca
In current times, it is equally complicate for the lay public to understand the progress of science and for the young generations to pursue a scientific career. On the one hand, this difficulty favors the surge of anti scientific sentiments in the society while, on the other, it frustrates the passion for science. I will discuss here a sort of algorithm on how to navigate the complexities of a scientific career. As medical doctors and physicists use algorithms to districate themselves in complex situations, an algorithm based on good principles can be helpful for a passionate approach towards science.

Mauro Giacca, MD PhD, is Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Trieste, Italy and Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences and Head of the School of Cardiovascular Medicine&Sciences at King’s College London, UK. Until 2019, he has served as Director-General of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, a United Nations research organization based in Trieste, Italy. A medical doctor by training, he is an expert in gene and RNA therapy for cardiovascular disorders. His research is funded internationally, including two consecutive ERC Advanced Grants, and has led to over 400 publications. He is the founder of two startups to develop novel biological therapies for cardiac protection and regeneration. Prof Giacca is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, UK and serves as the President of the International Society for Heart Research – European Section.

Programme: click the link