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ENGLISH FOR RESEARCH – An English-language course for students at Collegio Fonda_Module 5 – Anna Csaki and Giuseppe Palumbo

When: 19th, 26th October; 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th November; 7th and 15th December 2021

At what time: 6:30pm

Where: in Sala Cappella, ex Ospedale Militare and on Zoom

and in Sala Pietra ONLY on the il 26 ottobre e il 15 dicembre !!!

The course will be held by Prof. Anna Csaki and by Prof. Palumbo of the University of  Trieste and it will focus on the following aspects:

English for research:
– the mechanics of writing
– structure and features of academic articles
– rhetorical and language patterns

English in specialised domains:
– terminology
– equivalence across languages

Sign up for the course by Sunday the 17th of December, filling in this form

Your opinion is important for us. Please evaluate the course here

You are strongly invited to attend in presence!

Participation to this course is limited: only 25 students will be admitted. Places will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis.